Friday, June 18, 2010

Parent Boundaries Concerning Nudity With Your Children

Setting proper boundaries concerning nudity and sexual issues for children as well as parents is an important topic to discuss. Child abuse can come in many forms and one is from the lack of boundaries that a parent may have with their child, this lack of boundaries can also get the parents in trouble if not taken seriously. A parent has to understand that children are curious and unsure of their own bodies, so when they are young under the age of four all of the body parts can be described and named in proper terms for a child to understand and use throughout their life with respect for the terms and their own bodies. An article written by David and Blythe Daniel pin points the topic of when are we crossing a child’s sexual boundaries? The article makes some very good points and is worth reading.

The one difference that I maintain is that same sex gender, I feel that there is more leeway involved and as the child grows there are times when men and boys urinate together and women and daughter undress in front of each other. Even with that statement in mind a child or teenage can still be uncomfortable in front of the same sex parent and they should also be treated with respect.

In many cases there will be more of an incident with a boy and his mother. Boys will sometimes try to kiss a mother on the lips mimicking their father. A mother should not embarrass the son but be firm and direct in the topic that it is not ok to do that. A girl may try this with her father as well and strict boundaries should be set there. There is no need for children and parents to kiss on the lips. Children will cross boundaries because they are experimenting with their own feeling that they often do not understand and it is the job of the parent to educate and be firm in setting those boundaries. So parents take the time to undress in private, and make sure to knock on your child’s door when they undress and give them respect and privacy. (Boys and girls by age 8)

Make sure to join blog for the next important topic on what to do when a young child starts to masturbate in public! How to properly handle the situation without upsetting the child.

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